Brand Practitioners Bangladesh

Address: H-45, R-11, Niketan, Gulshan-1, Dhaka

|| Introduction: -Overview of OpenAI and GPT series of models -Explanation of the purpose of the seminar -Brief on the topic of ChatGPT and its significance -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their prior knowledge and expectations || Architecture and Training of ChatGPT: -Description of the transformer architecture used in ChatGPT -Explanation of the pre-training and fine-tuning process || Interactive Quiz: Ask the audience about their understanding of the architecture and training process ||Discussion of the challenges faced in training large language models || Demonstration of ChatGPT -Live demonstration of ChatGPTs language generation capabilities -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience for suggestions and examples to test ChatGPT -Examples of generating responses to prompts, questions, and stories -Discussion of the results and comparison with other language models || Ethical Considerations: -Overview of the ethical concerns surrounding language models -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their thoughts on the ethical considerations -Discussion of the responsibility of AI developers and users -Explanation of the measures taken by OpenAI to address these concerns ||Use Cases and Applications: -Explanation of the various applications of ChatGPT in industry and research -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their awareness of ChatGPT use cases -Discussion of successful implementations and case studies -Overview of the limitations and challenges faced in real-world applications || Integration and Fine-Tuning: -Overview of the process of integrating ChatGPT into custom systems -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their experience with AI integration -Explanation of fine-tuning and how to achieve task-specific results -Discussion of the trade-offs between pre-training and fine-tuning || Future Directions: -Overview of the current state of language models -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their expectations for the future of language models -Discussion of the future directions and developments in the field -Explanation of the opportunities and challenges in the near future || Q&A Session: -Open forum for attendees to ask questions and gain further understanding || Interactive Discussion: -Encourage the audience to ask questions and engage in a two-way dialogue

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Address: H-45, R-11, Niketan, Gulshan-1, Dhaka

|| Introduction: -Overview of OpenAI and GPT series of models -Explanation of the purpose of the seminar -Brief on the topic of ChatGPT and its significance -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their prior knowledge and expectations || Architecture and Training of ChatGPT: -Description of the transformer architecture used in ChatGPT -Explanation of the pre-training and fine-tuning process || Interactive Quiz: Ask the audience about their understanding of the architecture and training process ||Discussion of the challenges faced in training large language models || Demonstration of ChatGPT -Live demonstration of ChatGPTs language generation capabilities -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience for suggestions and examples to test ChatGPT -Examples of generating responses to prompts, questions, and stories -Discussion of the results and comparison with other language models || Ethical Considerations: -Overview of the ethical concerns surrounding language models -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their thoughts on the ethical considerations -Discussion of the responsibility of AI developers and users -Explanation of the measures taken by OpenAI to address these concerns ||Use Cases and Applications: -Explanation of the various applications of ChatGPT in industry and research -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their awareness of ChatGPT use cases -Discussion of successful implementations and case studies -Overview of the limitations and challenges faced in real-world applications || Integration and Fine-Tuning: -Overview of the process of integrating ChatGPT into custom systems -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their experience with AI integration -Explanation of fine-tuning and how to achieve task-specific results -Discussion of the trade-offs between pre-training and fine-tuning || Future Directions: -Overview of the current state of language models -Interactive Poll: Ask the audience about their expectations for the future of language models -Discussion of the future directions and developments in the field -Explanation of the opportunities and challenges in the near future || Q&A Session: -Open forum for attendees to ask questions and gain further understanding || Interactive Discussion: -Encourage the audience to ask questions and engage in a two-way dialogue

Order Summary

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Total Amount

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